|@:TheWashingtonPost| Trump wants to remake the Fed. Moore’s imperiled nomination shows it won’t be easy.

Stephen Moore, seen in March 2019, said he talked to the White House and they are “full steam ahead” on his nomination and that he is filling out papers for his background check. (Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News) By Heather Long and Josh Dawsey April 30 at 7:32 PM |@:TheWashingtonPost| President Trump’s effort to reshape the Federal Reserve and … Continue reading |@:TheWashingtonPost| Trump wants to remake the Fed. Moore’s imperiled nomination shows it won’t be easy.

|@:TheGatewayPundit| Trump Announces Withdrawal From U.N. Small Arms Treaty — Signs Doc in Front of NRA, Tosses Pen Into Crowd (VIDEO)

|by Brock Simmons| April 26, 2019 |@:TheGatewayPundit| During his speech at the annual NRA convention Friday, President Trump officially signed the order to withdraw the USA from the United Nations “small arms treaty.” “Under my Administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone. We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedoms. … Continue reading |@:TheGatewayPundit| Trump Announces Withdrawal From U.N. Small Arms Treaty — Signs Doc in Front of NRA, Tosses Pen Into Crowd (VIDEO)

|@:Barbwire| Presidential Candidate: I Cannot Help Myself, I Was Born This way! It’s Gods Fault – Blasphemy!

|By Bradlee Dean - April 29, 2019 |@:Barbwire| “If you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me, your corral sir, is with my creator!” -Pete Buttigieg  The Bible clearly declares that the righteous Kings of old would rid their lands of the sodomites (Homosexuals), while in the present, those who … Continue reading |@:Barbwire| Presidential Candidate: I Cannot Help Myself, I Was Born This way! It’s Gods Fault – Blasphemy!